Friday, July 24, 2009

Levels of Presentation

We have three levels of presentation we created this week in WebTools Class:

I opted to use GoogleDocs as my sole program to create my powerpoint presentation. Usually I use PowerPoint and Windows, but I thought it would be good to use something new. I would also like to note that I completed this entire work on public computers in about an hour and a half over two days. I was challenged by using public computers, but I believe it is an important aspect of these results. I am not necessarily proud of my presentation; It lacks my personality. However, this proves that work can indeed be completed using public resources.

The presentation on SlideShare is here:

Next, after looking at a few of my classmates blogs, I chose Screencast-o-matic for three reasons. First, there was unlimited audio time. Second, it did not require installs or extra software. Finally, it was one stop uploading to the web. These three things were important to me because I am currently traveling and do not have my microphone. I needed to complete this part of the assignment at a public computer in under 30 minutes. I succeeded! Yay! I used Screencast-o-matic to immediately upload my screencast to YouTube. Highly convenient for my mobile status. I think this part of my assignment is the highlight of Web 2.0~ being able to create everything on web-based platforms alone! From GoogleDocs to YouTube to VoiceThread.

Pardon the stumbling language; didn't have the opportunity for a re-record session:

Finally, I was able to transfer my presentation to VoiceThread using my GoogleDoc file, downloading it to my computer, changing it to PDF and uploading it to VoiceThread. I also downloaded my MP4 audio from YouTube and uploaded that to VoiceThread under the same Voice pre and my YouTube file.

1 comment:

  1. I listened to your screencast - good work! Your doing nice work on your blog. After seeing your thoughts, I wonder if I'm being too short with mine??
